

I.M. Spadecaller

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Passover, Hebrew Pesaḥ, or Pesach, in Judaism celebrates the Exodus, the freedom from slavery. The holiday commemorates the Hebrews' liberation from slavery in Egypt and the “passing over” of the destructive forces, the ten plagues, and the sparing of the firstborn on the eve of the Exodus. Each year this major Jewish holiday occurs in the spring on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan. Jewish families gather to retell the story of the exodus especially to the children. The preciousness of freedom and the bitterness of slavery becomes more than just a memory of miraculous events. It is a time to share the Passover story that is more than just ancient; it is a contemporary story for many human beings who are currently seeking freedom from bondage throughout our world. Passover celebrates this emancipation – old and new. Happy Passover.