Terns at Tierra del Fuego IMG


I.M. Spadecaller

Terns at Tierra del Fuego IMG
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Terns at Tierra del Fuego IMG
Every year, the winding journey of the Arctic Tern accounts for the longest migration of any bird – up to 59,650 miles from the Arctic Circle to the Antarctic Circle. After nesting on the coasts and tundra of the Arctic and subarctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America, they follow the sun and fair weather on their yearly journey to the Antarctic Circle—a trip that takes a couple of months. The arctic tern, travels from the Arctic summer to the Antarctic summer, and consequently experiences more daylight than any other animal. Sunlight illuminates the ground and the ocean surface, so the birds can see fish or insects more clearly. Summer weather is also usually calmer at sea, allowing the birds to fly more easily. “Terns at Tiera del Fuego” features the arctic tern feasting in the waters off the coast of South America. This is a digital image and photo composite created in Spadecaller’s Florida Studio on 4/17/2022.